Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Honoring Miney

It saddened us greatly to hear that Great Grandma Miney died this last Sunday morning. What a wonderful life she lived, though! How many people really get to live into their mid-nineties!?! here is the first time Leia Rose got to meet Miney. Right after this picture, Miney asked, "Does this child ever take a nap?" Ha! : )

As for why she is called "Miney," . . . one of Brian's cousins (as a little child) would always ask for things at Mineys house, and she would reply, "But that's mine!" Hence "Miney." : ) Her husband was called "Hunnins" because Miney always called him "Honey." And, again, Brian's cousin made it her own. : )

And here is Annie meeting her Great Grandma Miney just a month or two ago. How lucky we all were to make that trip! I'm so glad we did! Actually, the only time Miney was able to speak during the visit was when Leia said, "Hi Miney!" And Miney replied with a weak, "hi"! Still as sharp as a tack, she was, right until our Lord took her to heaven. She will be buried beside her late husband in Arlington National Cemetery, . . . an honored place for an honorable lady.

We'll miss you, Miney! Thanks for being a wonderful Great Grandma!

1 comment:

Karin said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Great Grandma Miney! How great for the girls that you have photos of them with her to cherish forever.