Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Full Pre-Ballet Experience!

Here is the typical Leia Rose at Pre-Ballet class, . . . bending her back for the pliets and purposefully falling down during any kind of balancing. : )

(Yes, you'll hear Annie in the background of lots of these.) Here's a cool little activity the ballerinas do. The teacher (Miss Lindsay) puts three circles on the floor and has the girls do a different ballet move on each one (as well as before and after).

And now, . . . leaping!!!

Now this next one is a longer activity they do almost every week. Leia Rose says it's called the "Listen and Move" game. The voice tells them to act something out through their movement while the music is supposed to encourage that movment. In order you'll see walking, galloping, tiptoeing, and running (eveyrone's favorite). They "freeze" in between each one.

Next is flower dancing! Isn't it amazing how a scarf can make anyone look graceful? ; ) (In the background is one of Brian's favorite songs from The Lion King musical, . . . Leia and Brian shared that together right after Annie was born.)

Now here's the really long one. It's called "Going on a Bear Hunt." Again, it's a favorite. Especially of Leia's little friend Olive (who wasn't there today, for some reason). Here they are going over the bridge, climbing the tree, getting in the boat to go over the river, tiptoing inside the cave, finally finding the bear, and going quickly backwards through the whole excursion again. Leia Rose is always a bit afraid when they find the bear, . . . so you'll see her get closer and closer to the teacher as the song goes on.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute!! :) I agree -- the scarf looks very graceful! :)