Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cute Leia Things Today

This morning I was getting ready for the day while Leia Rose played quietly in her room. While I was putting makeup on, I suddenly heard a small whimpering cry. I looked directly at the monitor and knew it wasn't Annie. My first thought was, "I just better go check on Leia Rose," not really suspecting anything, but just checking. As I approached Leia's room I heard a scared cry and realized immediately what had happened: Leia Rose had locked herself in her closet. You see, the doorknob sticks, and Leia Rose can't open it. So when she went inside to use her dinosaur slide projector, she closed the door to make it dark and, . . . she couldn't get it open again. I just held little Leia Rose. She was whimpering and really scared. I tried to console her by saying, "Leia Rose, Mamma was here all the time. You are in our very safe house, and Mamma always comes to check on you while you are playing. Even if you never said anything, I would have found you and loved you up and kept you safe, okay?" That seemed to calm her down a bit, but I'm sure it was a bit frightening to be locked in a dark closet! I'm proud she wasn't more disturbed by it!

When all is quiet in the household with Annie napping and Leia Rose awake, this is what is usually happening: Leia is in her big sister retreat "reading" books of her own accord. She's not at the point yet where she tries to read the words herself, though. (That'll come soon I suspect.) She's just happy as a clam retelling stories with the pictures. : )

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