Friday, August 10, 2007

Mamma's Girls

These days (and especially now that Annie is teething), this is the situation when Annie is hungry or tired or simply lonely. Here she is wanting Mamma. Wanting Mamma and crying for Mamma. If I go over to her, she'll hold my arm and make little snuggle noises while she sucks her thumb, but if I move away (or even look like I'm going to), she'll begin again. Even if I'm sitting directly behind her, she will continually turn around, making sure I'm still there. Many times, my hands are tied. Here I was trying desperately to make lunch for everyone, and not succeeding very well. Then it occured to me that I should doucment this. And I'm glad I did because wait until you see what happens, . . . Note that Leia is noticing what's going on in the background, . . .

. . . And here's what Leia does automatically, . . . without even being asked. She brings over one of Annie's favorite toys (her turtle: a toy that was Leia's, by the way, that she gave to Annie willingly), plays with Annie, distracts her from her tears, and basically proves once again to be the absolute best big sister in the world. I almost cried when I saw Leia help out in this way again today. Again, without being asked! What a special, special child!

And there are so many times these days where Leia Rose says, "Mamma, I love you so much! Can I sit with you?" Like tonight at dinner. I just can't refuse her when she asks this, . . . I can never resist a requested snuggle! So snuggle we did, right in the middle of Panera Bread. I guess I've got two Mamma's Girls. ; )

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