Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Cute Annie Things Today

Auntie April always wears a very pretty nightshirt with rhinestones on it, . . . and Annie is always fascinated! So cute!

Another bit of evidence that Annie is teething: various and sundry toys in the freezer. Like this stuffed elephant, I soak his trunk in water and then freeze him. He makes a great teether!

This iguana/chameleon teether is a great one to freeze, too. (Thanks Godmommy Laurie!) When I handed this one to Annie today and told her it was cold, she put it to her lips, stared at it, and said, "Cold" clear as a bell, . . . twice! And then, of course, when I tried to film her doing it, she wouldn't perform. : ) Still, add another word to Annie's vocabulary. : )

Then later today we had a fun visit from Grandma on her way up to Washington DC to help her sister, Shirley, with proceedings. It was so much fun to see them playing together!

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