Friday, August 24, 2007

I Got It! +

Okay, tonight after I put Annie down, Brian went in to check on her and, yep, she sat up by herself again! So I finally got the picture! (Hey, this doesn't really look like a sleepy baby, does it? It was even funnier when I would peek my head in later and she would immediately drop her head down feigning sleep/thumb-sucking. Think, you're foolin' me, huh?)

Leia Rose made up a neat game to play with Annie this morning which was called "Guess the Instrument." Leia would play an instrument behind her back and we would guess what it was. Then Annie would get to try it. Here is Annie getting to try the xylophone.

Here's something we created weeks ago that has really stuck. It's called "Dinner Claps." We all have fun participating, . . . and sometimes we do "Breakfast Claps" and "Lunch Claps," too. It's not as popular as Annie's Aaaaahhhh's, but it's something else she can participate in.

1 comment:

LauraW said...

Congrats, Annie! Glad you captured it in a pic! Cute story about Leia's phone call, too:)