Sunday, August 26, 2007

Playing School

. . . And thus begins the age old tradition of "playing school." I'm sure this won't be the first time.

Mamma was the "teacher" and these are my three "students." This activity was called "learning to color in the lines."

Here is circle-time reading. (Notice that Annie picked out this book: The Foot Book.) Leia is listening behind the camera.

Next was number and math with dot-to-dot 1-20.

Next was independent reading. (Yes, I really made Leia read the book, too.)

Then it came time for "practical life" in the Montessori tradition. So we did a project called, "let's make spaghetti sauce." (Ha! This had nothing to do with dinner, of course, . . . ) Here is Leia harvesting basil.

Chopping the basil.
Peeling the onion, . . . and she got her first taste of the reason why people's eyes cry when they do this. She didn't like it very much.

Peeling the garlic.

Trying to crush the garlic. (Mom and Dad, this is reminiscent of that picture of me trying to open a jelly jar at the same age.)

Opening the cans of plain tomato sauce.

Pouring them in the pot.

Adding the fresh-chopped basil. And why didn't I get her stirring, since this post is so long anyway? : )

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