Thursday, August 16, 2007

Pool with Jessica & Declan

Today we went to the swimming pool with Jessica, Declan, and their mom Hollis. It was a really nice day! Even though Jessica wasn't ready yet to put her face under the water, Leia Rose and Jessica played nicely kicking with kickboards and floating with fun noodles. It'll be interesting how the play changes tomorrow when we go to the pool with Shenandoah (who has just learned to swim).

Declan is wondering why the heck I'm taking a picture of him, I suspect. His t-shirt says, "My First Greek T-Shirt!" Cute!

Then it was finally time for a snack!

And Annie had one, too. When she wasn't shoving whole handfuls of goldfish and cheerios in her mouths, she was playing with the skirt of my bathing suit.


LauraW said...

I can wait to see the girls swim together tomorrow!!

LauraW said...

Sorry - I can't wait :)

Karin said...

Wow - what a fancy-looking pool!