Thursday, August 23, 2007

Karin's Version : )

Karin Faulkner is a great blogger as well. I thought I would share part of her blog today about our playdate: [My comments/words are in brackets.]

[I just love Annie's face in this picture! Annie] was playing on the floor with her star stacker, and Kevin walked by... He exclaimed, "Annie! You're making a mess!" So he promptly sat down to put the stars together for her. ;)

Look at his dino feet!!! They actually have a dinosaur stomping sound everytime he would step! Ha! At one point, Kevin exclaimed to Leia, "You stepped on my toe!" It was only the dinosaur toe! Ha! ;)

Up in Leia's room, when Kevin saw the butterflies on the wall, he backed up saying, "I don't like butterflies! They're scary!" HA!!!!! Remember....this was coming from the little boy wearing a dinosaur costume with scary stomping feet!!!! ;) So Kevin with his dinosaur bedroom is scared of Leia's butterfly bedroom!!! Too funny!! ;) (Yeah, I guess it's good for him to be scared of a girl's room! Ha!)

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