Saturday, August 18, 2007

Froggies & Photo Comments

I thought I would start the day by checking Annie's crawling progress. Nope. Still getting on her knees/feet and then flopping on her belly. She gets where she wants to go, though. Maybe tomorrow. : )

Our project of the day was to reconfigure our froggie habitat with some pretty green "Aqua Gems." Here's the finished product. Note Tad and Froggie swimming happily in the crystal clear water. : )

Here is something precious that I just happened to capture on video. I was sitting at the computer with Annie on my lap for a minute. When the photo slide show came on as our screen saver, she started commenting on every single photo that appeared! It was so cute! Annie's been so "talky" the last few days, I wonder whether she has switched from concentrating on "physical" to concentrating on "mental" again. : )

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