Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Miss She So Much!

Here's one last picture and caption from Karin's blog tonight. I'm so glad someone thought to take a picture!

After Kevin's nap, he started pouting and shuffling his feet, so I asked what was wrong. He said, "I miss Leia so much. I miss she so much." How sweet! So I asked him if he wanted to call her, and he said yes. ;) So Kevin made his first phone call to a girl! Uh oh! I told him that when Leia's Mommy answers, he should say, "This is Kevin. Can I talk to Leia please?" He did say something along those lines, but it was very mumbled & he was using the speaker phone, so she didn't hear him. I had to jump in and then say that Kevin was calling and had something to ask. Then he asked if he could talk to Leia please, and she passed the phone along. :) Leia said that she had so much fun playing dress-up with him today! Kevin said, "I miss you so much." And Leia said, "I love you so much too, Kevin." :) And that was the end of their big phone conversation!! :)