Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Our Little Hummingbirds

Here is Leia Rose before school this morning! Doesn't she look beautiful in her new dress and hat? Today Leia had another fun day at school. When she exited the classroom, she ran right to me and I threw my keys on the floor to catch her in an exuberant "jumpin' hug"! So fun! When I asked her what she did in school today, she said, "I did a doughnut." I had no idea what that meant. She finally explained that they did an imagination kind of game where they had to imagine they had a doughnut and what they wanted on it. She chose chocolate icing and sprinkles (of course). She also did a Block Building Work and sang a new good morning song. And she asked Mrs. Schnell about the first day of fall.

And here is our big project of the day: filling up our new hummingbird feeder with nectar! Leia Rose just loves to do projects like this.

And here's our new feeder on our back door. Now let's see if we get as many hummingbirds as we do regular birds. : )

And, silly me, I thought I should put a picture of this in as well. I just couldn't live without my Swivel Sweeper! I've had it for a really long time now. It's a parent's dream, . . . in that it picks up whole cheerios off the floor in bulk (along with dust and anything else). Then you just dump the little tray outside when you're done! No more vacuum spewing little bits of stuff back at my legs while I try to keep our wood floor clean! I love this thing!

We had such a fun dinner tonight with Daddy making really silly faces and Annie (who was adoring her milk at the time) would say, "Ah, ha ha ha! Daddy!" It was just so cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leia is truly a "Shining Star" in her beautiful new hat and dress - and Annie is "Little Miss Sunshine" as she makes everyone smile with her antics. :) Love you all - Oma