Sunday, August 19, 2007

Picture, Pudge, & Pool

How often do we get to have a family picture made!?! Yes, it's a bit washed out because the flash reflected off of our white banister spindles, but still! We had to take one to bring to school this week for open house (they put the picture fully visible at the top of the kids' cubbies just in case they get homesick). Such a great excuse to take one of the whole family together!

Leia has been a bit upset lately that Annie doesn't do as many "jelly beans" anymore. So this morning she got fed up and just did it herself. : )

While the girls were playing together, I thought I would document another fun sister game: Annie Rolls.

The reason why Annie doesn't do much "jelly beans" anymore is because she prefers to be "our little inchworm." As you know, Annie doesn't crawl yet. (Is she ever going to?) She moves around, as I've said before, up on her feet/knees then flop on belly, up on feet/knees flop on belly, . . . and today I figured out what to compare it to: an inchworm! Butt high up in the air and everything! : ) So, here is our little inchworm inching along. [And in these pictures you can also see her "teething face" really well. What a strange mouth configuration, huh? Still, really cute! By the way, Annie got her seventh tooth today! It's the on her bottom right (next to her original two.) Poor kid is teething up a storm, . . . and absolutely hates having her teeth brushed!]

Now, these pics were taken while getting ready for the pool, so in the tradition of that surprising/funny scene from The King and I, . . . here's the rear view. [Note: this one's from the "naughty file," so if you don't like buns or pudge, please skip it.] . . . .

Look a that pudge! Where are Annie's knees?!?


April said...

Annie's teething face reminds me of Ben Stiller's "Blue steel" model look from zoolander.

I miss you guys


Karin said...

Oh my goodness!! I can't believe you took that pudge picture!!!! HA!!! :) That's too funny!

But the family photo is GREAT!! :) Too bad it got a little washed out, but it's still really nice! :)