Friday, August 24, 2007

Almond Playdate

Today we had a playdate with Madelyn, Sophia, and Rebekah (the Mamma) Almond. Here is Rebekah assisting Sophia in walking! Sophia is exactly the same age as Annie, but she's so much more advanced in motor skills! Sophia can crawl like a champ, pull up, cruise, get to a stand without pulling up, stand on her toes, and stand alone!

I laughed pretty hard when I snapped this picture. Here I was, thrilled that Annie (for once) had a playmate to interact with and here are Annie and Sophia doing the typical "parallel play:" Annie in one direction. Sophia in another. : )

When they arrived, Leia Rose spent the first half an hour absolutely smitten with Sophia. Leia just couldn't beleive another baby Annie's age could do the things she was doing!

Then, of course, Leia Rose wanted to play with Madelyn. And guess what Madelyn wanted to play? Dentist! : ) Leia was such a good sport, agreeing to be the patient first.

Then Leia Rose got to be the dentist. Cavities and plaque beware!!!

Later we went outside to swing on the swings. (But not for long, it was really hot and humid out!)

The sad thing is, this is the last time we will see the Almonds for a very long time. Next week they are moving to California. We'll always have email, of course, and blogs and lots of nice memories of this special last visit.

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