Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Three Big Mistakes

Mistake #1

I was taking a picture of the girls doing "bites" on Annie's toys in the bathtub and Leia Rose started to do her signature push-on-Annie's-shoulders-so-she-goes-backwards thing. I saw it coming and grabbed Annie's arm with my free hand. Well, she was going down into the water, and I was determined to save her (just as I was when I hurt my knee so bad) so I dropped our brand new digital camera right into the water and it sat there on the bottom switched on. Annie was safe, . . . and so I was free to freak out about the camera. It wouldn't turn on for a day. Honestly, we were going to buy another one, . . . until it magically began working again absolutely perfectly! Must have been the miracle prayer . . .

Mistake #2

Leia Rose had about 5 bows that really needed to be re-glued, so I sat Annie on the floor in our room playing with a few toys while I sorted the bows. Now, I would consider our room to be the safest in the house for Annie. There's absolutely nothing she can get into. Even the door to the bathroom can be closed so she can't get into the cabinets (which she can't even open yet). Totally safe. *sigh* Except that before we left for our last vacation I put my engagement ring in the tiny crevice under the throw blanket on the blanket stand and forgot it was there. (I do that because I figure that a thief would never look there.) Anyway, when I came back in, I noticed she was sitting right by the blanket stand and I lifted her up over my head and rocked her back and forth like I do all the time, . . . except this time my engagement ring fell out of her mouth, . . . into my mouth, . . . and chipped my front tooth!!! I suppose I've already paid my dues for that mistake. Still, I felt absolutely horrible after that! A ring is a perfect choking hazard! Horrible!!!

Mistake #3

This mistake is ongoing. I seem to do something in regards to it every day, but it basically has to do with doing myself bodily harm. I can't tell you how many times I have injured myself since being pregnant with Annie. Well, let's see if I can count them:
1. Almost Knocked Out (Slipping on Wet Tile)
2. Carpal Tunnel
3. Tennis Elbow
4. Allergic Reaction to Annie's Penicillin
5. Chipping Kneecap/Saving Annie
6. Falling off of Lake Hammock
7. Dropping 35' TV on my foot
8. Almost Falling on Bike (Chain got Caught)
9. Spraining my Ankle

I keep saying that I'm going to wind up in a rascal wheelchair by the time I'm 50! I know that women usually lose a bit of coherence after birthing a child, but this is ridiculous! Am I losing my brains and my balance?!?

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