Thursday, August 30, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

You know, I am just so excited this year when I pick Leia Rose up from school! You see, last year, when I asked the above question, Leia's answer was always, "I'm not going to tell you." And that was it. Even when I tried to be sneaky and ask specific questions like, "Did you do the hand washing work?" or "What kind of works did your friend Jessica do today?" The answer was still the same.

This year, she comes out running into my arms and flooding my ears with so much fun information that I can't remember it all to put it on the blog! (Yay!) I realized yesterday that I better have a sturdy pad and pencil in the car every day to write stuff down. So today, this is what I wrote (and from now on I think I'll do each school-post this way):

"I made a new friend today, Mamma! Her name is Jesse! There's also a little girl named Eva, and she is always very shy. I did the lego work with Jessica, and I danced with Jessica too, and I hugged her. When I did the CD work, I pressed the button two times, but it didn't come on, so I think another child did something wrong with the buttons because I had to get a teacher to help me. [What did you listen to on the CD's.] There were songs on them. I don't remember what they are, but one was "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." And Mrs. Schnell said we're not ready for new works yet because she saw some people carrying trays with one hand. That's not how we're supposed to do it. [Did you have 10 goldfish again today for snack?] No, today we had pretzels and apples! [What were you playing when you were in the studio at the end?] Oh, we were playing "Farmer in the Dell." [Were you the cheese, Leia, were you the cheese?] No, Price was the cheese. Price really wanted to be the cheese. I got to be "the child." [Oh, so you got to pick the dog, right?] No, the child picks the nurse. [Wow, how antiquated is this game?!?]

And then we sang "The Farmer in the Dell" together!

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