Thursday, August 9, 2007

Crazy Morning

Yes, a crazy beginning to the day, but one precious picture to top them all. : ) Just thought this one was a perfect example of sister love. : )

As for why the day was crazy, April stayed up until all hours trying to finish the mural last night. She woke up early to frantically continue, fretting that she wouldn't finish on time for her flight. This was fine with us, . . . she could just finish it next time. It was April that was having a hard time with that idea. She kept saying, "I just hate to leave a piece unfinished." Now, as she was frantically painting, . . . the carpet cleaners arrived with all of their paraphernalia. (Why would we cancel when we thought April would return on her originally scheduled flight, on Tuesday?) They started their job, but seeing these new people and hearing the whirr of the machines scared Annie to death, so I had to take the girls outside in the 102 degree weather to eat lunch. By this time, April decided to extend her stay yet again, so the day finally calmed down, and her latter-day theme became, "It's important that everything be as perfect as possible!"

This is the only real picture that I got all day. Leia and I played a cool game where we caught a ball with a butterfly net. Leia thought it up. I thought it was pretty neat. April thought it was too, and continued a fun exchange that her and Leia came up with the last few days that I'll call, "What if your last name was . . ." Today it was, "What if you last name was Clapandhug?!?" Then Leia got tears in her eyes and said, "But I don't want to be a Clapandhug! I want to be a McNeil!" Ha! : )

I did get a cool video, though! Annie finally did some "back scooting" for me today!

"Back Scooting" is the way Annie gets around these days. She lays on her back and uses her legs to propel herself, backwards, across the floor. When she reaches what she thinks might be an interesting spot, she flips herself onto her tummy to explore. I'm sure she'll be crawling soon.

1 comment:

Karin said...

That's too funny!!! :) She looks like she's going to be very BUSY very soon!!! :) (and you too! ;) )