Friday, August 31, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"Oh, Mamma! This star sticker on my sandal reminds me of playing the Hokey Pokey! Mrs. Schnell put it on our left hands to remind me which one was left. And, Mamma, I got to eat snack with Mrs. Schnell today! But the best part of the day was playing 'Little Rabbit Sleeping in a Ditch.' And when you are the rabbit you say, 'hop, hop, hop, hop' and hop over to the next person who gets to be the rabbit! Jessica picked me. Jessica always picks me! I don't remember who I picked. Wait, . . . I picked Natalie Abey! I also did a chalk work where I drew a picture and then got to erase it with a neat eraser. Here's my work folder, look at the pretty rainbow I made! And guess what this is on the grass here? A tyrannosaurus!!! . . . Mamma, can you put on Dora songs now?"

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