Tuesday, August 28, 2007


You wouldn't know it from the pictures here, but the girls and I really had a rough day running millions of errands (after Leia got out of school). I told them we were going to have a really fun game before we left and that Leia could pick it. As always, she chose dancing to her (and Annie's) special "Morning Songs" CD that I made for them.

Now here's a picture that truly illuminates the joy of dancing for Annie and Leia. Annie posed in mid-guffaw, Leia prancing behind, picture blurred from all the movement. : )

There are two ways that Leia likes to dance with Annie. One is to both sit on the floor and hold hands. The other is for me to hold Annie with one arm (facing outward) with us both dancing around the room. Whenever Annie gets close to Leia she lets out a squeal of delight. Listen . . .

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