Saturday, September 1, 2007

Annie at Eleven Months

For all intensive purposes, Annie’s schedule is remaining exactly the same. Up at 7, nap at 10, nap at 2, sleep at 7. The only difference is that when she “sort of” wakes up during the six o’clock hour in the morning, if I don’t get her up within 10 minutes or so, she’ll go back to sleep until 9 or 9:30! Now, when this happens, you would think that Annie’s schedule would be disrupted. Not so. (She’ll take a first nap at a strange time (like 12), but by her second nap, she has adjusted herself accordingly. And she has truly gotten into the habit of playing a bit before nap or bedtime. Her covers are absolutely never on when I come to check on her. Snuggle sack, here we come! Brushing teeth still remains Annie’s only issue. And in watching her cute crawling style (always wanting to stick her right leg out straight), it won’t be long before she’s standing, cruising, and walking. And even with the advances in motor skills, Annie has put speech into overdrive as well. (She even said yellow the other day.) Something to note about Annie this month, Annie’s joy level is off the charts when Leia Rose is concerned. (And yet, there has been lots of uncharacteristic grumpiness this month because Annie is getting her molars, . . . all of them at the same time. Also, Annie began biting and turning away during the nursing, so we dropped it. Now she’s down to only three a day. One before each nap and one before bed. And food! (Ahhh, food.) Annie abruptly (like, over the course of a day) switched from spoonable foods to eating everything we eat (even steak) in little pieces. Very freeing for Mamma. And I would say that, with the addition of movement, Annie’s favorite toys have now become anything-sister-is-playing-with. Especially the Rainbow Brite dolls and the Minnie Mouse jingle bell.

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