Monday, September 24, 2007

After School Helpers

Here we are playing "school" after school! : ) Leia created a Montessori classroom complete with cubbies for the kids and the works from left to right are (let's see if I can remember them): snack, the pink tower, the building work, the pony work, the block sorting work, the lights-at-night-picture-taking work, the swing-set-building work, the library. : ) Someone's really into school!
More dinosaur stories today! It was all about meat eaters and plant eaters.
Unfortunately, the meat of the day was all about taking Brian's car in and picking Brian's car up. No time for dinner, so it was off to Red Robin. Just a cute thing: Leia rose has been the biggest helper lately, offering so nicely to carry Annie's seat whenever we go into a restaurant. I have been hoping that I'd be able to get a shot of it!
. . . And here's the result: A happy Annie! : ) This is a perfect representation of Annie staged for dinner in a restaurant. Seat on the booth-table and up against a wall (so she can't kick the seat back), . . . but before the various and sundry food particles all over the seat, all over her, and all over the floor. (It's gotten so crazy, that I usually lay down a set of four opened napkins on the booth next to me in order to catch the mess.) Again, I've been meaning to get a picture! Yay!

And a final cute Leia thing, . . . I just came down from tucking Leia Rose in and she is now loving to "sing a special nighttime song" to me each night when I snuggle with her. It usually goes something like this, "I love you. You're my best girl. And there's someone in the next room who's sleeping who I love, too. You're a great Mamma when you play. I love you. Thank you so much. The end." Got to love it!

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