Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Working on Some Physical Development

After our bikeride, Annie and I thought we would focus on some physical development today. (Is this a shocker for you? I usually try to discourage any advancement in that area! Ha!) Anyway, there's no getting around it now. Annie's mobile, and the issues involved are beginning to ensue. (Case in point, yesterday I was getting ready and Annie found my box of tampons. Fun! And it wasn't long after that I heard her voice in the hall, . . . right by the stairs. Returning to our room, she knelt up and tried to open a cabinet door. *sigh*)

So we tried the tunnel game from Baby Play and Learn. I made a tunnel with the little table chairs and tried to entice Annie to crawl through with every tactic I knew how. Despite what it looks like in the picture, she never took the bait. She was just as happy crawling around to see me (and the enticing items). : ) I guess that means she's smart as opposed to nimble? : )

So then I thought, okay, maybe she's past the crawling thing. Let's try standing. So I put the same objects on the couch (including my crocs, which always intrigue her). She got close, but no real standing again. Only that one time in the tub.

And finally the verdict was, "I'm done with this, Mamma." : ) I was very proud of myself that I didn't get frustrated (which is almost never the case). : )

Just another cute little game that Annie created a few days ago and then repeated again today. Sometimes when I come in to get Annie after a nap, I sit on her big-girl-bed in the room right by the crib. Well, the game is that she smiles really big, crawls over, touches my leg, sits back and laughs, . . . as if to say, "I got ya'!" It's the first time I can really think of that Annie herself has created a fun game. : )

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