Thursday, September 20, 2007

Puff, Peek, Porch, . . . and Pinch!

Today Annie and I tried a game called "Puff n' Stuff" that's supposed to get a child ready to blow the candles out on her first birthday. You're supposed to put something "blowable" on a tray in front of them, and then show them how to blow the thing around. In a perfect world, they imitate you, I guess. : ) Annie just loved grabbing the puff balls we used. : )

And then it turned into a great game of up/down! Mamma was very proud of herself not getting frustrated! : ) I seem to be lots more go-with-the-flow these days. : )

While Annie napped I was quite industrious, in addition to sewing Mary's arms back on (Annie had ripped them almost all the way off), I "fixed" Annie's peek-a-boo puzzle! My friend Lauren told me to laminate the pieces of cardboard! What a genius! I honestly don't have the brain-power these days to think of things like that! So I found a little picture of flowers and of a "guy" and taped them onto some thick cardboard, cut them out, stuck some magnetic tape on the back, and laminated them.

Ta-da! It's like new! Now to see if Annie likes it . . .

But when Annie woke up, she was more about exploring new things, . . . like when I was making lunch after our bikeride, this was the view from the kitchen! Annie was brave enough to tackle the sunporch!

And upon closer inspection, she was the most interested in feeling the indoor/outdoor mat out there. : )

And finally, I have to talk about a really horrible habit that Annie has gotten into while breastfeeding, . . . she pinches me! And not just pinches me, but pinches me little! Uh! Right on my bosom, too. I hate it! Now I have to cover up totally with cloth and lay my head way back on the chair so she doesn't do this. Yikes! I hope this is only a phase! : )

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