Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Staying After School

It has become a tradition with Leia Rose to stay after school (even after extended day!) and read one particular book in the Artgarden lobby, . . . Pinocchio. Why Pinocchio? I have absolutely no idea! : ) Leia's always strangely drawn to books that have something a bit scary in them (the whale named Monstro) and this book is no exception. She just sits there looking at and studying every single picture until she gets finished.
And when a friend stays as well (like Daphne in this picture) they both stay and look at Pinocchio together. : ) There was one day last week when Leia, Price, Daphne, and Jesse all stayed looking at this book. Priceless.

Then we saw the strangest thing driving home . . .
And I just had to document something that I have never seen in our area before. In fact, the only time I've ever seen anything like this was at the beach. It was a plane pulling an advertisement right over 15/501! And it simply said "Geico" with the face of the famous "Caveman" who is about to star in his own new show next week. I don't know why this struck me as amazing, . . . it just did. Perfect opportunity to teach Annie the sign for "airplane."

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