Saturday, September 15, 2007

Togetherness & Teeth

Annie and I had a wonderful morning together this morning! The reason why I don't have any pictures is because I let Brian take the camera today.

Annie and I spent the entire day outside. We even had lunch on the screened porch (finally it was cool enough). During that time, I taught Annie to take goldfish out of a snack trap. It took her the entire lunch time, but she finally got it! (That little contraption is, again, going to make my life so much easier!) What she hasn't learned, though, is how to hold the snack trap cup with the other hand. Perhaps that'll be tomorrow.

Then we were out on the playground swinging on swings, lounging on the hammock, sliding down the slide, looking at butterflies, and sniffing flowers. Oh how I wish I could have taken a picture of Annie smelling a flower! It's so cute! And she does it with such a look of interest and concentration! : )

And it occurred to me that this is how much time I will get to spend with Annie on each school day! Exciting! (And I don't think it's a coincidence that Annie always "talks" more after a day of full attention. She was a real chatterbox this evening!)

And I also need to mention that Annie now has two more teeth! Today she (finally!) got her eighth tooth in the front (the one on her bottom left). Don't know why that one took so long! She also got her second molar just a couple of days ago (again, on her left). That makes 10 teeth in all! Those molars on the top are nowhere to be seen, though. Not even any bumps yet. Funny! The biggest miracle is that she let me see/feel them in her mouth! . . . You know about Annie and tooth brushing. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

How fun!! :) And I'm glad those teeth are making progress!

Funny about the snack trap, since on the very same day, I dug ours out of the closet for Kevin to use with teddy grahams in the car. ;) We haven't used ours in ages!