Friday, September 28, 2007

Annie's First Birthday Card Ever

Here is Annie exploring her first birthday card ever! It was the Faulkners (Karin, Steve, Kevin, Aria, & Eric) who had that honor! : ) They created this special card especially for her, . . . it even has our picture on it!
Little does Annie know that I am currently working on a very special box to hold her brand new card collection, . . . similar to the treasure box that I made for Leia Rose when she turned one. Ironically, I remember vividly my sister making one of these exact special card-holding boxes with my own mom when April was really young.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Yay! I'm so glad you got the card. :)

And wow - that's the first time I've seen all 5 of our names listed out together! ;)