Friday, September 28, 2007

Love the Bobike Mini!

This is certainly the post to begin Annie's birthday bash! Even though it wasn't quite her birthday yet, I asked Brian to install Annie's big present: a new Bobike Mini. Okay, this is the best bike seat ever created!!! Instead of stuck behind me, looking at my back, Annie was perched on the handlebars able to see everything! It was so exciting to be able to talk with her, touch her, kiss her, . . . that it made me bike even longer than usual! And Annie LOVED it! She felt like she was "the ruler of the bike" in that for most of the ride, she didn't really want to hold my hand or anything. It's as if she were saying, "Leave me alone for I am in control of this contraption!" The cutest thing about our ride though (apart from spotting two deer) was when we were about to go down the "big hill" and I told Annie (as I always do) to "hold on to your hats!" . . . and she reached up and held her helmet! Wow! Cute smarty! : )Here she is, "the ruler of the bike"! (Now if someone could tell me how, with one hand, to buckle a helmet strap tight enough to keep the helmet down on the child's head, . . . and not perched on top as it is here, . . . without pinching the skin. All tips and tricks are welcome!)
And today, it was Curious George who took a ride on the back. : ) But luckily, both girls can ride at the same time if they want.

Now since we're speaking of birthdays, Oma and Papa, don't look at this next photo because it's the special picture that Leia Rose drew for you for your birthdays! (But you can tune in for the explanation later.) . . .
Leia Rose was so proud of this picture! It's the very first time she drew a castle. (And it reminded me a lot of the special castles my godson, Gregory, draws.) She wanted to use a stencil for the pony, but I'm a bigger fan of the princess myself. : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

What a cool bike seat!! :)