Monday, September 10, 2007

Bugs and Playdates

Well, the bugs finally found our hummingbird feeder today. Great big ants. Oh well. Laurie says they go in there and all die, and then never come back. Hope she's right! In honor of those bugs, Annie and I finally explored our fun soft bug/creature books that Leia loved when she was a baby. Annie didn't really like them quite as much, but they were something new to look at. : ) No more pulling up today, . . . yet.

Later we went over for a playdate at Heidi's. I tried to have Annie take a nap there, but it just didn't work today, so we had to scoot on home. But before I left, I got some nice pictures of what the girls did together. First they set up Heidi's spectacular doll house.

Then they had popsicles (Heidi was so hot that she decided to wear only her underpants for the rest of the day). Here are the girls laughing at one of the jokes on the Dora popsicle sticks. I think the one they're laughing at went like this: What do you call bread made by a bison? A Buffaloaf! or maybe it was . . . What is the most musical part of a turkey? The drumsticks! Ha!

Then the girls played with playdough (and sculpey clay too, I think). Heidi was making a "wiener dog." Leia was confused at that name, so I had to explain that Dachshunds are sometimes called that because they look just like hot dogs!

And Leia Rose made a very pretty butterfly! : )

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