Friday, September 28, 2007

A Parent's Prayer

This photo takes a bit of explanation. My friend Karin Faulkner has a birthday today, . . . she's at the beach celebrating with the family. Luckily, she has wireless internet, so she blogs even while she's on vacation. I read her blog daily. This is a picture of the placemat from her birthday breakfast. She was impressed with the prayer on the left hand side. If you click on the picture, you can read it for yourself, or I'll print it again here in case you don't want to do that:

A Parent's Prayer

The are little only once, Lord. Grant me the wisdom and patience to teach them to follow in your footsteps and prepare them for what is to come. Make me take the time to play, pretend, to read or tell a story, to cudddle. Don't let me for one minute think there is anything more important the school play, the recital, the big game, fishing, or the quiet walk hand-in-hand. All too soon Lord, they will grow away and there is no turning back. Let me have my memories with no regrets. Please help me to be a good parent, Lord.

Oh my gosh! I cried while I was reading the blog, and I cried now! : ) It's just such a special parenting philosophy, one that I have always tried to make my own, but of course, sometimes failed in doing. Got to memorize this one and make it part of my own prayers! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

I get to be famous on your blog a lot lately!! ;)