Friday, September 21, 2007

Health Concerns

Just a couple of things I need to speak to the doctor about sooner rather than later.

About Annie, my main concern is that it feels like her skull has a large bump on its right side near the top (like a plum is trying to push out there). I don't think it has always been there, so I really need to mention it.

About Leia. Two things. One is that her eczema has been horrible this summer. We have fully used a whole large tube of Elidel without it going away. I'm wondering if they make something stronger. Second, the other night in the bathtub I was giving Leia a bath (which I don't usually do, . . . that's been Daddy's job since Annie was born). When Leia Rose stood up so I could wash her legs and crotch, I saw a bump the size of a grape that was moving right near her pubic area! My first thought, quite honestly, was that it looked like a hedgehog was rolling under there. I felt it and it was a hard lump, but as soon as I tried to find it again, it was gone. And I haven't felt it since. It doesn't hurt her or anything. Then Brian turns around and says, "Oh yeah, I remember seeing that a while ago quite often, but I haven't felt it for a while." . . . . Um, what!!!! I should be customary to tell the Mamma, don't you think? Anyway, a bit worried about that little lump.

Got to have Dr. Stephens look at the girls, . . . perhaps at their well-check if nothing gets any worse.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Sorry to hear about the concerns. :( But hopefully it's all nothing! Good idea to check with the doc though for your peace of mind.

As for the eczema, Kevin has had it too -- and the doctor told us a couple years ago to give him a bath only a couple times a week. So that's what we've always done, so his skin doesn't get dried out. He hasn't had a problem in quite awhile now! :)