Monday, September 3, 2007

Rides on Labor Day Morning

Here's Leia Rose giving her baby "Armelle" a ride. I asked her, "Why is Armelle laying on the Little Orphan Annie wig?" She replied, "That's not an Annie wig! That's a baby cozy!" Ha!

Now here's Mamma giving Annie and Leia a ride! : ) Leia had a period of time where the loved the bike cart, then hated the bike cart, now she's back to liking the bike cart again. *sigh* One of Annie's birthday presents (I think) is going to be a little seat that fits on the handlebars of the bike (so I can have a more personal experience with her when we ride while Leia's in school). There's something about a kid squnched at your back or far behind in a cart that makes you feel disconnected. As for Leia, she's just about to upgrade to the "pathfinder," which is kind of like half a bike that makes any bike into a bicycle-built-for-two. Now we have to decide whether to get that this year or next year. It all depends on whether our little small-for-her-age Leia can reach the pedals! : )

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