Friday, September 14, 2007

Highlights from the Work Folder

Look at this amazing picture of our family!!! Including me with eyelashes, Daddy's spikey hair, (Leia, of course), and "Annie when she's first born!!!" Each Friday, the children bring home a "work folder," which is basically a huge manila envelope, full of the art projects they did that week. These were the highlights from the folder this week, . . . ironically, she didn't tell me about making a single one of these! The rubbings over the different items (that she had mentioned multiple times) weren't quite spectacular enough to show.

And here is one of Leia's famous pictures of a Tyrannosaurus! I think I'm going to use this one on Leia's birthday invitation! : ) (This ranks with "happy bird" as two of her most favorite things to draw.)

And here is, get this, "Mrs. Robertson picking up Tommy in her big car." That's on the left. On the right is me (with a big smile) holding Leia's hand "and holding your purse!" Leia was very proud of that last thing. : )

Other things in the work folder: "A picture of a bear and a deer. The bear is eating the deer." What?!? : ) "I traced shapes with stencils. . . . Not regular shapes, different shapes." They included a check mark, among others. "Scribblings of chalk." "Aliens in a house." The rubbings: key, coral, comb, and "a prickly thing." "A rainbow bird and turtle that I traced and colored on the shadowbox."

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