Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dinner Show & Bumbo

Here's a priceless shot for you! . . . One that goes far beyond just "tidbits." : ) This child sure can get messy when eating spaghetti and meatballs! . . .

. . . In fact, she looked kind of like Brian's dinner plate before I put the sauce on. I was struck so much by the similarity to a smiling Annie that I had to take a picture.

After Leia rose asked us politely to be excused from the table (she has been soooo good about doing that lately), she put on her favorite dress-up outfit toot sweet and poured us some tea. Look, Grandma, Leia's old enough to use the special ceramic/bunny tea set you gave her when she was born! (She's only broken one ear off the top and shoved the same top into one of the cups. She's getting better, though.) And, Great Grandma Betty, here's your favorite dress again. I told you Leia loved it! : ) And, Grandpa, when Leia poured me some tea, I showed Leia that I was drinking it with my pinkie up! And Leia Rose said, "Yep, that's Grandpa all right!" : ) Finally, she serenaded us with "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" (see the end of the post). : )

I got fed up with Annie trying to stand up in the tub. Far too much slipping and sliding going on, and I was scared to death about her ears. So we moved the Bumbo from its place at the dinner table (Leia uses it every evening) to the bathtub. Luckily, Annie didn't mind too much being confined as long as the water was running. . . . Got to love that hair!!! (She's actually got some curls in the back now. I just wish you couldn't see her scalp every time I take a picture. Ah, thin/fine hair. I think I'm going to have two short-haired girls.) : )
And at bedtime, Grandma, it was the first time that Annie actually cried because I didn't cover her with her special Grandma Blanket by mistake! (Perhaps it's a lovie, now?)

And here's our dinner serenade! : ) It was beautiful in itself, but the real reason why I taped this is because it's a testament to the family. When Leia Rose is concentrating or thinking or talking on the phone, she always feels a need to walk in a circle, . . . or pace as it were. Daddy does the exact same thing, . . . and even Grandpa! : )


Lauren said...

um... spagetti and strawberries? Brian's definitly not Italian huh? LOL

Anonymous said...

Leia- I loved your "dinner show" with the wig and special dress and beautiful singing! Does the microphone really work?! Love you bushels - Oma

April said...

When I came to visit, I noticed Leia's tendancy to walk around and around in circles while she is thinking. I even did an impression for Oma and Papa when I got home. I didn't know
Brian did that too. What a cute, funny thing.
