Thursday, September 20, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"We did new chores today, Mamma! We washed the chalkboard and dusted the erasers, which made very fun marks, . . . very fun marks! And on the playground Jessica and I played 'run away from the dragon' who was Price. Then we went wagon riding. The two bad things were that Ava bumped her head and then colored-in my leaf! The extended day kids did a neat Alphabet Step game all together with Mrs. Schnell. A letter is on each step and you have to pick out these little cards with a word that starts with the same letter, but I don't remember the cards I picked out. On the art table we got to glue things like ribbon and mustache things. [Mustache things?] Yes, little white things that looked like mustaches."

Mrs. Schnell would tell me later that those "mustache things" were actually packing peanuts and that Leia Rose really did make an ingenious face with them. Wonder if we'll get to see that in the work folder? . . .

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