Monday, September 3, 2007

Leia's Labor Day

Turns out we have a really cool dinosaur game that Santa had given us, . . . and that Mamma had totally forgotten about! It's called Dino Dig, and even though Leia was too young for it last Christmas, she's the perfect age for it now. We had a blast as paleontologists traversing the path, trying to load more and more dinosaurs into our truck for the museum. Leia was so excited, you would have thought it was her birthday!

And at first glance, this looks like a really sweet picture of Leia Rose, . . . but give it a second look and notice that she has a brachiosaurus on her head! : )

After our game, Leia Rose became fed up with how late Daddy was sleeping. (It was one of his few days off, by the way.) Therefore, she found her tape player and her "Good Morning" songs and decided to play them (quite loudly) right next to Daddy's head. That did the trick. : )

Then it was time to play dinosaur sleepover. Here is Tyrannosaurus in her den, ready to invite the plant eaters over for a sleepover. "This sleepover comes complete with food!"

Annie became the dinosaur of destruction! (I really laughed about it, though. Especially when Leia said, "Mamma, maybe we shouldn't include Annie!"

Later today Leia and I went outside and caught a tiger swallowtail butterfly and a grasshopper to take to Artgarden Montessori tomorrow.

Later Leia Rose suggested we do more chalk drawings. I have no idea why, but I drew a large eye and told her to guess what it was. Well, Leia decided to draw an eye as well. (Can you guess which one is hers?) Suddenly, she shouted, "I know! Let's draw Oma!!!" So we did (complete with long hair and barrette).

While I was making dinner, I absolutely flew off the handle about our water. It has been three days now and it still smells/tastes chlorinated! Next time we chlorinate our well, we're going to do it right before we go away on a long vacation. Brian keeps insisting that it's fine to use and kept giving the girls ice cubes of the same water. Anyway, I lost it when I realized that he was doing this and that I had to use bottled water to boil the ravioli. So I started screaming, "It's poison, Brian. It's poison! We have a little baby and another child under 35 pounds!" And I screamed it so screechy, . . . not like myself at all. Leia, who was on her way out to the hammock to read with Daddy said, "Mamma, you sound just like Matilda's mother!" Well, if there's anything to shock me into realizing what I sound like, it's that statement! Leia Rose was able to break my mood at last, and I laughed. And then she did the sweetest thing at dinner, . . .

She created the Cherry Tree song, just to cheer me up. (Okay, yes, they're grapes she's holding. She's just doing some wishful thinking.) It goes like this: "Three little cherries on a cherry tree, a cherry tree, a cherry tree. Three little cherries on a cherry tree and then one fell, . . . boop!" She sings it until each cherry (grape) lands in her mouth and the last verse starts, "No little cherries on a cherry tree, . . ." So cute!

1 comment:

April said...

What a great humongous picture of Oma.
When I saw it I was in my office at school and I said, "OH WOW" really loudly.

What a fun project
