Sunday, September 16, 2007

Up with a Cold

You would never know that this little Annie was screaming just a few minutes before this picture was taken! I learned when Annie was newborn that the way to stop screaming at night (for whatever reason) was to take her out of her room to distract her. This worked like a charm tonight when Annie couldn't breathe and, therefore, woke up crying and crying. Brian, Grandma, and I were just finishing a movie in the bonus room, so we let Annie crawl around in there. She was just soooo very excited to explore this new space that she all but forgot about the little slime trails creeping out of her nose. : )

She spent most of the time simply crawling back and forth, back and forth. It wasn't long before she wore herself right out. : ) And I noticed something really interesting about Annie's crawling (which she's really FAST at now, by the way). She keeps her feet out to the side (see the picture?) instead of the traditional "down." My theory is that her foot-pudge on the top of her foot is too big, so it doesn't feel good when it rubs on the carpet.

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute!!! :) But I'm so sorry she's sick!! :( (It's yucky -- I know. I have it too!)