Monday, September 10, 2007

Coming Home with a Masterpiece

Today, Leia arrived home from Heidi's house with an absolute masterpiece: a beautiful multicolored butterfly! She wanted to make it a necklace, but I suggested we hang it in her room somewhere (otherwise it would be the biggest pendant in the entire world). Emily had helped Heidi and Leia bake their sculpey creations in the oven to make them hard. What a fun project.

And this. I just thought this was a masterpiece all its own. Here are all of us watching the very first Communion instituted by Jesus. (With everyone, even Annie, glued to the screen as the short clip of Jesus of Nazareth plays, . . . Leia's arm lovingly around her. We just finished reading that particular Bible story last night. We always watch after we read.) Incredibly appropriate, in that Brian will receive the same Eucharist as soon as he feels ready.

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