Monday, September 24, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

Needless to say, . . . Leia Rose is looking forward to tomorrow!

"What did I do at school today? I'm definitely going to tell you!!! Mamma, we were apple painting! Stamping with apples! Dip one in the paint and 'squash' on the paper! I didn't get to do it yet. They're going to have it out tomorrow. We all had a lesson on it at the same time! Today we talked about apples and trees, . . . and guess what sprinkles I got today? Sprinkles on my yogurt, . . . sparkley!!! And we did a hand motion song about acorns. We learned about apples and trees and acorns, . . . and trunks, . . . and leaves. Jessica, Maddy and I played 'sheds.' When it's raining we 'run for the sheds'! Jessica always says, 'Let's play sheds!' Ha! The dinosaur listening work is gone! You'll never get to look at it now! I did one letter of the alphabet step game today, . . . 'A.' Did the library today. I listened to the book. It was a magic garden book. The two little girls were trying to plant a large garden and they plant lots of different stuff. A bad thing happened today. I fighted with Daphne on the yellow apron. But Price handed me the yellow apron, so Daphne got the red. [Oh, was Price the peacekeeper?] No. [Leia pointed to herself proudly.] I was the peacekeeper! Jessica needed me because Oliver was kneeling on the table and had the 'snap frame' in between his legs. Oh, and Ava ate sand. I was the peacekeeper and Mrs. Schnell had to light the candle, but they said my name in the rhyme: 'Leia be nimble. Leia be quick. Leia put out the candle wick.' Then I put the little thing on it [a candle snuffer?] and say '1, 2, 3, 4, 5' and then the candle is out! This is the first time I have been the peacekeeper in this time."
Ahhh, a far cry from the "I'm not going to tell you" of last year!!!
It bothers me a bit that there are so many "twos" at Artgarden this year. Eating sand, screaming at drop-off, and kneeling on tables? I mean, come on! Oh well, thank goodness for extended day! : )

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