Saturday, September 22, 2007

School Picnic

Here's the Artgarden trio this year: Jessica, Sophia, and Leia Rose! They are perched on top of their dinosaur lair and roaring, or just starting to, anyway. : )

Mrs. Schnell, Leia Rose, and Jessica serenaded us with "Where is Thumbkin" at the beginning of the picnic. Here they are holding up "pointer." (I should have got "tall man" otherwise known as "toe guy.") : )
Here's everyone perched on top of the girls' dinosaur lair (you can see Jessica roaring). Leia is a bit upset here because I told her that she couldn't scare children away. The teachers thought it was really funny that Leia Rose loves dinosaurs but is scared of little Yoda. : )
And here is Leia's and Jessica's new game: "Dinosaur up in the Sky!"
They let Annie be a "little meateater" . . . And here is Annie looking on from the next swing, wishing hard to be a part of the game. Little did she know that she was!
And here is Daddy doing one of his favorite games with Annie. Hmmm, trying to figure out the spelling of this one, I guess I'd call it "Wot-a-boo." Both Brian and Leia thought it was so funny the way I pronounced "octopus" when I was two years old (Oma and Papa have a tape of it). They laughed at it years ago, and now it comes up almost daily, and Daddy makes a game of it. It's kind of like peek-a-boo, except with the word wot-a-boo instead.
Here is a new thing Annie likes to do: show us that a hat goes on her head. She also does this with bows, brushes, and combs. When she's not sucking on them, of course. (But on sunny days like this, I just wish she'd leave the hat on.)
And this was just so sweet. Declan is absolutely in love with Annie. And the feeling's totally mutual. See Annie holding Declan and sucking her thumb? That's a big sign of love! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute Annie pictures :)