Sunday, September 9, 2007

Play "Date"

So Leia Rose and Colin finally got to have their time together this morning, . . . along with the company of the twins, of course, so I'm not sure how much of a "date" this really was. : ) Anyway, Leia made Colin a wonderful picture of a "Happy Bat" to rival her signature "Happy Bird."

And Colin was very happy to receive his picture. He put it right on the refrigerator. And as you'll notice, Colin is in his PJ's!!! Miss Laurie suggested they have a "reverse sleepover," which just means they get together in the morning with PJ's on. So they did! : ) (Ah yes, having a sleepover, yet another thing Colin is continually asking to do with Leia. Hmmmmm.) : )

It turns out that Colin had never had a Burger King breakfast before in his whole life, so Leia Rose surprised him with one this morning. Colin was very happy. See? (Even though the twins got to share his hash browns.)

Colin soooo wanted Leia Rose to love Night at the Museum, but after watching it ourselves, Brian and I decided it was way too scary and above Leia's head. So we just let her watch the dinosaur part (where the dinosaur bones come to life and form a kind of dino-dog named "Rexy"). You can see here how Leia Rose deals with anything she thinks might be scary. Ha! (But I promise that I told her everything that was going to happen in the scene. . . . It didn't matter.)

Then Colin and Leia settled in to watch Pete's Dragon together (and Leia Rose gave Colin another present of our old VHS of the movie, since we already have the DVD).

All in all, it was a really fun time (as it always is when we go over to the McNeils). And Mamma even got to have girl time with Miss Laurie for a while! : ) And the funniest thing was, when Leia got home later, she confided in Daddy that, "Daddy, you know, Colin's going to have lemon juice when he gets older, . . . because boys always have lemon juice." Lemon juice is what Leia Calls the shiny grease on Daddy's forehead! : ) Ha!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Cute! Well, we've never had a BK breakfast either. ;) ha. Although I imagine that Steve has, since he worked at BK in high school! Our fast food breakfast pick is McDonald's. :)