Thursday, September 13, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"Mamma. Mamma! Mamma! MAMMA! MAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! [Leia screamed a bit when I was talking with a parent after school, . . . making a bit of a setback from her maturity of earlier this week. I replied, "I'm not going to respond to you at all when you talk to me that way." But upon thinking about it later, I can understand. She had been waiting to tell me this all day! Mrs. Schnell suggested that she lay her hand on my arm to show me that she wants to talk to me, and I said, "Listen to Mrs. Schnell. She knows!" And when it was finally her turn, she began . . .] I wanted to tell you that I learned the name of my favorite dinosaur! I did what you told me and said the name five times to remember it, and I remember it! It's called 'Janatosaurus'! And Jessica, Sophia, and I threw leaves on these boys driving trucks! [And Jessica added, "So they would go away and never come back!" And Hollis replied, "That's good Jessica, that's very very good to keep the boys away!" Ha!] No, I didn't do any new works today. Wait! Yes, yes, I did the duckie marble work. The spaces for the marbles connected the duckies. And we read a story about a magic pot. The Mamma didn't know the word to stop it. the pot made porridge. And for snack we had pumpkin muffins, cheese, and grapes! I felt really bad for Daphne today, she fell down and scraped. And, Mamma, I did a reading work today, but I didn't read. I did do the library, though."

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