Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Annie at the Doctor

Well, today I payed $15 to learn that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Annie. : ) I came in with this huge list of concerns from "possible sinus infection" to "abnormal lump on the head" only to hear that Annie was just fine and was getting over a cold. : ) Best news I could have heard, actually! Because there was no fever, there was no sinus infection. Yay! Her ears were totally clear, the tubes, Dr. Stephens said, prevented it! She studied Annie's head shape for quite a while with the diagnosis being "an asymmetric head." Ha! No tumors! A good thing! : ) As a bonus I learned that Annie weighs 23 pounds, which doesn't surprise me in that she's "thinning out" and certainly not getting any chubbier (despite what that little pooch in the front of her outfit may reveal). During the appointment, nothing made Annie happier than a cherry-flavored toungue depressor! : ) Dr. Stephens gave her one right before she was going to try and look in Annie's mouth, . . . and we both told her to say "ahhhhh." Now, Annie wouldn't let Dr. Stephens use the depressor, but she took it herself, said "ahhhh," and opened her mouth! Dr. Stephens said that it was the first time she had ever seen a one-year-old open her mouth voluntarily for an exam! Good job, Annie!

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