Thursday, September 20, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

Here's a special new hairstyle that Leia chose to wear to school today. I really think it's quite becoming! This one's a keeper!

"Mamma, today we had a race in the studio. It was a skipping-and-hopping-on-one-foot race! And they had these neat sparkley bows on the art table! I put some on a picture! Me and Mrs. Schnell did the Alphabet Step game again today, not because everyone was supposed to do it, but because I wanted to do it as a work. I had snack with Jessica. Me and Jessica and Sophia are all good friends!"
And as I came to pick Leia Rose up today Mrs. Schnell told me about what trouble Leia was having carrying the watering can to the bird bath and how Price picked it up as if it were a feather. : ) And it was exciting to find out that not only are all the extended day kids getting to go to Leia's fifth birthday party but also the teachers are getting to go as well! Watch out State Fair! Here we come!


Karin said...

Yes, her hair is very cute!!! :)

Anonymous said...

who says there are no choices of different hair styles with short hair? I love it, Leia! Love you bushels - Oma