Saturday, September 8, 2007

Annie Parade & Barbie Pet Show

Is this Little Orphan Annie paying a visit to the household? Actually, it's Leia Rose in the Annie parade, complete with Cinderella's glass slippers! Great Grandma Betty, you may notice the beautiful dress she's wearing as your favorite dress from childhood. Can you believe it's Leia's favorite, too? : )

Annie had a part in the Annie parade as well, she played the drums for the marchers!

Later Leia Rose and I sauntered upstairs while Annie was taking a nap to play Barbie Pet Show. The only problem was that it took us so long to set it up, we'll have to play it another day (because Mamma had to go down and make chicken parmesan for dinner). Leia was very understanding about that. Here is the pet store I set up (that was my job in the Barbie Pet Show). Leia was very proud of it. It even had an elevator. So I guess I should call this picture, "Evidence: Mamma!" Ha!

Annie and I had lots of times to read books today. (That always makes for a happy Mamma.) I just wanted to document how interested Annie has become in sticking her finger into holes. Here she is with one of her favorite books (Thanks Aunt Cassie!), . . . sticking her finger in the hole instead of paying attention to the amazingly interesting finger puppet on the other side. : )

I also wanted to document something that Leia Rose just randomly does these days in regards to math. She'll just come up to us and say, "I'm going to use my hands to count how many four plus five is." Then she'll use her nose to keep her place! So cute! : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

The nose counting is really cute!! ha.

And I think I see the Barbie kitties that Kevin gave Leia for her birthday last year. ;)