Sunday, September 9, 2007

ANNIE PULLS UP (and gets squirted)

We just knew it would be in the bath tub. Sure enough, it was. Tonight, Annie got interested in the side of the tub like she always does. Except this time, Annie held on to the side, got up on her knees, pulled her left leg out so she could step on the bottom (that seemed to be the key), pulled her other leg the same way, stood to a bending sort-of stand, and stood up! And, of course, we couldn't get her to repeat it again (against the side of the tub) when Brian came in with the camera. So we had to settle for the shot of her standing up herself while holding Brian's hands. Well, it doesn't really count, but at least this picture will save the moment. : ) [And if you're wondering about the earplugs in Annie's ears. Yes, I started with them again. That's because Annie's getting more and more impossible to hold still while I rinse her hair. I'm just afraid some water is going to get in there. Better safe than sorry. And, boy, when she's tired Annie makes prayer and even books a big whine-fest.]

This is Annie's I'm-being-squirted-with-the-Grandma-spinosaurus-squirter face. It's just so tickley to her, she just can't stand it. Her reaction is so very cute! : )


Karin said...

Yay, Annie!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Annie finally did it! Another milestone - and you have such a great record of it all! Wish we could have been there to see it! Love - Mom