Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"Mamma! I found my favorite work ever! And I found my favorite dinosaur ever!, . . . but I don't remember it's name. It was part of the Dinosaur Listening Work! We go and put on headphones to listen to a CD and book about dinosaurs! I can't bring it to another table, but that's not like all the works. There is also this duckie marble work, and someone spilled it and everyone helped. At the art table I put a giant key under paper and saw what design it made when I colored over it! I played with Sophia on the playground. Sophia! Sophia! Sophia! Sophia! We played a dinosaur game. We were two planteaters eating leaves. Then we did leaf collecting. Then we fished for pretend fish with the leaves. Then we jumped into the swimming pool. We also read a book called, The Earth. And tomorrow we're going to read a book called The Sun Never Sets. I'm so excited about that because today we made a sun with a flashlight on a globe! We got to turn all the lights off!"

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