Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today Annie Katharine picked up this little toy police car and began moving it back and forth along the "road" to show it was driving! It was her very first instance of imaginative play!!! Ironically, Leia Rose had her "first" a month later than Annie (but Leia was making a toy airplane "fly"). And let me ask you this, how often does a child have one of their "firsts" at a friend's house? I suppose that's a testament not only to how much we love the McNeils but also to how comfortable Annie feels over at their house. The reason why we were over there, by the way, was to borrow the twins' old "play yard." (Which we LOVE!) We set it up right when we got home and both Leia and Annie played in the thing the rest of the day. : ) Why I didn't take a picture of that I'll never know. (Wait a minute. I know why. I was busting my hump making a million meatballs to freeze for later dinners.)

Let me just say this: it has only been two or three days since Annie has felt comfortable exploring beyond the family room carpet. In that time, I have found the following things in her mouth: a 2 inch piece of basket, a 1/2 inch piece of basket (and this is after getting rid of all baskets but two!), and a small clump of grass from the bottom of Brian's work shoes. I have also seen her make a beeline for a couple of pieces of dried food underneath her high chair. Luckily, Annie doesn't swallow these things, she just "swishels" them around in her mouth. Hmmm, remember the engagement ring incident?

Here's Laurie and the boys on their tandem trike. They asked us if we would like to take a walk with them to pick up Colin from school. Yay! Exercise and friendship! : )

. . . and Leia was sooooo patient with me when I didn't bring a drink for her, . . . and when we asked if we could stash Colin's scooter in her space. : ) She's a peach!

Here's Colin's school (Scrogg's Elementary, . . . home of the Scroggs Froggs) and little Colin there in the red shirt. I was struck by how small he looked among the other children. This is because he's honestly the biggest kid that my children are friends with. Anyway, this trip put age in perspective.

Back at Laurie's house, Annie fell in love with this little Elmo guy that makes fun sounds when you open his mouth. Laurie was really surprised that she figured out how to do it! The whole thing really made Annie laugh!

And a picture of Logan and Laurie with the latter protesting all the way. I keep telling her, she always looks beautiful! Don't you think so, too? : )

1 comment:

Karin said...

A tandem trike?? I'm going to have to find out about that! ;)