Monday, September 10, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

"Mamma! My eye is hurting! I got an eyelash in it, and Mrs. McDowell got it out, . . . but it still hurts! [It was a bit red, . . . but it wasn't mentioned again by post-lunchtime.] We sang your good morning song today! It goes like this, 'Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We're all in our places with bright shining faces. Good morning to you! Good morning to you!' Jessica and I helped Mrs. Schnell clean up the pine straw! We gathered all of it, just all of it! We even got it out of all the crevices, . . . and we put it in a pile by Price! [Hmmm, I wonder if this was really 'helping.' I've seen Leia's pine straw piles before.] And there was this neat thing at the art table today! I put a piece of paper on top of some coral and then rubbed crayon over it. That was so neat! And I also made this garden out of the pounding work. Really the pounding work has a hammer and some pegs, but I turned the hammer into a mailbox and the pegs into some plants!"

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