Friday, September 21, 2007

Tales From the Work Folder

Ah! So here are the "mustache things." They were packing peanuts! Neat eyes that she made with them! (Mrs. Schnell told me about this particular work a few days ago. She was impressed that Leia could make a face with such rough materials.)

And here are the "sparkley ribbons." Pieces of yarn? What an imagination! (Still pretty, though!) Again, a face. Can you see the eyes (the peanuts), the mouth (the lentils), and the hair (the "ribbons")? : )

And here are the words she made from that word puzzle. (I remember "bug," but "lid" was one she didn't tell me about.)

Finally, here are some "Mico" Raptors (and Leia was very adamant about that name) "with eggs and sunshine in a blue sky." I'm guessing that she got the idea from the same book as "Janatosaurus." : ) Got to go in sometime and see what she's talking about. . . .

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