Thursday, September 6, 2007

"What did you do at school today, Leia?"

[First of all let me say that I'm thrilled that Leia Rose was happy to see me this afternoon. Oma and Papa had to go to Siler City to deliver stuff to the storage unit, set up a bank account, etc. All business (and the main reason for their trip). Therefore, they couldn't pick Leia up. I was so afraid she would be disappointed.]

"Mamma! We learned about a new color work today! We take these color mats and a big pile of things and put each thing on the right mat for the color! Mrs. Schnell showed us how. There's no apple on the red mat, only a red helicopter! And I wanted to play alone on the playground today, . . . except I did play 'bus.' I was one of the people who got on the bus, and Price was the driver. [Papa asked where they were going on their 'bus,' to which Leia replied:] We went across the playground and then Price let us off. [Leia Rose has always been fascinated with school buses, just the idea of going on them. I remember how sad she was when she learned that it was Mamma or Daddy that would take or pick her up from school.] I also got to do the calendar today, Mamma! Oh Mamma, of course I didn't have a job yesterday! I had snack yesterday! I did a puff-ball sorting work today. There are these four groups of puff balls three yellow, three red, three green, and three blue. We are supposed to put them in the right color spaces. And I also did the 'squirting work' with a turkey squirter [a turkey baster, perhaps?] where I was supposed to transfer all of the water from one bowl to another. And for the sponge work Mrs. Schnell actually used a dog dish! Ha!"

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